Holiday outfit

Quite a lot has been happening for the past month. The holiday dinners of the new hebrew year filled up everyone's schedule. In addition to all of those happy family gatherings, we moved!
It was a very difficult process both mentally and physically. So in the midst of all the packing, unpacking 
and assembling an ikea couch (which was the worst!), I was elated to grab one of my newest
anthropologie dresses I have yet to wear. People usually dress according to their mood even if they don't even notice it. Therefore  it definitely cheered me up to be out of my moving outfit and in my new holiday dress. Happy holidays my darlings and don't foget to give at least 1hug to a loved one!


  1. חיכינו כבר לפוסט מרענן והוא אכן מקסים
    תמיד נחמד לצאת לכמה דקות מהסצנה למשהו מלבב יותר

  2. אני מזדהה עם כל מילה, גם אנחנו בדיוק עברנו דירה וזה סיוט לא קטן, אבל כיף גדול כשהכל כבר מסודר.
    השמלה מקסימה!!

  3. Hi I'm new to your blog, and I love it!!! Very lovely images. Good luck with your move.

