Fashionable job

Two months ago I started a great new job- working at a cool fashion e-commerce website: belle & sue.
I was hired as a graphic designer, but it was clear from the very  get go was set to do a whole lot more than that. My latest project was designing the space for our pop-up shop! There was a lot of team work from the concept to the execution, but I was given a lot of artistic freedom and support to create and make decisions, as well. I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it is to have someone trust you'll do a good job, even though specifically in this field of expertise I was lacking the experience. I got to pick out the material, set up the display, design the totes and move stuff around every once in a while...
I got to challenge myself in a whole new way.
May you have a successful and fun week, and at least 1hug a day <3


  1. congratulations to this job and that it goes so well <3 Pretty good to "hear". And lovely illustration!

  2. וואו איזה כייף שחזרת עם הפוסטים
    אני כל כך שמחה שמצאת לך בדיוק את מה שאת אוהבת
    לקום עם שמחה בלב לעבודה יצירתית
    גם הצלומים שלך מקסימים

  3. J'aime le dessin!Super!

    Angela Donava

  4. זה מסביר את זה :)
    הייתי בחנות והיא הייתה מעוצבת מקסים!!!
