New haircut

It's done! My hair is short again, shorter than ever before. My last haircut was a year ago, 3 weeks before
I got married. A
nd for the past year I wanted to try growing it out, so I could braid it and have some fun
with it. A
nother reason for not cutting it was that my hairdresser had left the country and I didn't really trust anybody else. Since I'm getting used to a new one, I had to learn how she works and she had to learn what
I like. 
(there was a crisis at one point but she was very sweet and patient) .It all ended up well with a very short and chic result <3


  1. Hug - I just love all your darling illustrations! They have so much character and are just adorable! And I'm sure your haircut's lovely!!!
    - Lindsay

  2. תשלחי לספרית
    יהיה מדליק

  3. בדיוק שוקלת להחליף ספר. מי סיפרה אותך?

  4. ראיתי את התמונה שלך
    יצאה תספורת מהממת!
    מאוד הולמת אותך!

  5. תודה לכל האנונימיים ולילך

    סיפרה אותי בחורה מקסימה בשם יאנה
    (במספרה ברחוב בן יהודה 177, לשעבר שוקי זיקרי)

  6. I totally understand your point here ;)
